A modern mixture of function and style, the TV061 features clean lines, a uniquely gloss finish, and plenty of media space. Made of 100% MDF, our exclusive design contains two large drawers with soft-closing mechanisms. It also features a media compartment, ready for your cable box, DVD player, or video game.
91% of buyers enjoyed this product! (87 votes)
Modern TV061
A modern mixture of function and style, the TV061 features clean lines, a uniquely gloss finish, and plenty of media space. Made of 100% MDF, our exclusive design contains two large drawers with soft-closing mechanisms. It also features a media compartment, ready for your cable box, DVD player, or video game.
DDrWhite Drawers: 12″L x 28″W x 4″H
WalWalnut Drawer: 10″L x 20″W x 3″H
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